
Unclog Your Showerhead Easily!

Does that stray trickle of water in the shower drive you as crazy as it does me? AAAAAhhhh! I had to do this in my shower and I wanted to do it NOW. I can't STAND going out to buy chemicals I am only going to use one time to do one little task.

Here's how to do it with distilled white vinegar!

First, take a good look at your grimy showerhead...


Then grab:
Distilled White Vinegar
Plastic Baggie (big enough to cover showerhead)
Large Rubber Band

All you need to do is fill the baggie half-full of vinegar to start.  This MAY be a bit messy, but worth it!  Then, place it over your shower head and secure with the large rubber band. You can fold the baggie back over the rubber band to help keep it from slipping. Mine made it overnight without crashing, Whew!

Now, CAREFULLY remove the rubberband and can use the washcloth to polish it and...VOILA!

A clean showerhead!!!
No more every-which-way-squirty-streams in the shower!
Have a vinegar tip you want to share?
Comment below!


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